Thursday, September 29, 2011

Kiarra Nicole Collins

Kiarra Nicole Collins,
Happy Birthday my beautiful baby girl. I can't believe that it's been 3 years. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and how much I miss you. I'm pretty sure that Grandma Cordy is throwing you the best party ever because she always threw the best ones here. I must admit that I'm jealous of you because you get to be with Grandma Cordy and I'm jealous of her because she gets to be with you!! I know that my time will come when I get to see you both again and I look forward to that day. When I look at your three cousins Jazzy, Taije and Reefy, I think of you and always wonder if you'd be as crazy and energetic as they are. I often wonder if you'd be like your little sister Avery and be the most happy and caring little girl. The more that Avery gets older the more I think of what a great big sister you might have been. I remember going to conference right after I had you and the talk that inspired me most was titled "Come What May and Love It" . As much as I didn't want to love what happened, I knew that everything happens for a reason and that our Heavenly Father had a better plan for you! Joseph B. Wirthlin who gave that talk, said some very wise words that I often think and ponder about..

When we fell down, she expected us to pick ourselves up and get going again. So the advice my mother gave to me then wasn’t altogether unexpected. It has stayed with me all my life.

“Joseph,” she said, “come what may, and love it.”

I have often reflected on that counsel.

I think she may have meant that every life has peaks and shadows and times when it seems that the birds don’t sing and bells don’t ring. Yet in spite of discouragement and adversity, those who are happiest seem to have a way of learning from difficult times, becoming stronger, wiser, and happier as a result.

How can we love days that are filled with sorrow? We can’t—at least not in the moment. I don’t think my mother was suggesting that we suppress discouragement or deny the reality of pain. I don’t think she was suggesting that we smother unpleasant truths beneath a cloak of pretended happiness. But I do believe that the way we react to adversity can be a major factor in how happy and successful we can be in life.

If we approach adversities wisely, our hardest times can be times of greatest growth, which in turn can lead toward times of greatest happiness.

He later goes on to talk about ways that have helped him through times of testing and trials... 1. Learn to laugh 2. Seek for the Eternal 3.The Principal of Compensation 4. Trust in the Father and the Son

Through these 4 things, we can learn that trials can make us better individuals and bring us closer to our Father in Heaven. We have learned from this difficult time and it has brought our family closer together. We are at times stronger, but I do have my bad days. I am wiser because I know that Families are Forever and that I will be with you again one day! I am a happier person because Heavenly Father Blessed me with not only you, but your little sister and a wonderful family that has been nothing but supportive and loving!

I am trying to be a happier person for you and because of you!

I am trying to be a better person for you and because of you!

I am trying to make the best of every situation for you and because of you!

I am trying to live my life better (more perfect) for you and because of you!

I am trying to be the example that others want to follow for you and because of you!

I am trying to see others as Heavenly Father does for you and because of you!

I am trying to make a difference and touch others’ lives for you and because of you!

I am trying to Choose the Right every day for you and because of you!

I'm trying to be the mom I've always dreamed of for you and because of you!!

I want to be all this because I want you to be proud of your mom and When the time does come for us to meet again I hope I'm half the mom you pictured me to be!!

As time goes by I often wonder if it will ever be easier and then again, I don't want it to be because I want to think about you everyday and I want to be able to know that your watching over our little family. I'm thankful that we are together forever and that Families are Forever because that is what makes me happy! Until we meet again my baby girl! I love you with all my heart!

These are pictures from today when we celebrated your birthday!


Cula said...

You are AMAZING Ashley!

sdheinens said... are an amazing mother/person!!! Happy birthday yesterday to your sweet baby girl. Thank you for being such a great example :) You have a wonderful family!!!!!! <3


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